Niklāvs Zieds

Senior Associate


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+371 67814866

Niklāvs Zieds advises local and international credit institutions, investment firms, investment funds, and other financial institutions on licensing and ongoing compliance matters. In addition to financial regulation, he often handles asset- and project-finance transactions, including in the realm of aviation finance.

He has advised on licencing, supervision, and enforcement matters while working at the national financial regulator, focusing on capital markets law, investment firms, and investment funds. Niklāvs has also completed a year-long legal traineeship with the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) in Paris, France, allowing him to work on technical standards, guidelines, and Q&As, and to provide advice on topics such as digital finance (MiCA and DORA), sustainable finance (SFDR and EU Taxonomy Regulation), investment services and products (MiFID II and MiFIR), central counterparties (EMIR), benchmarks and benchmark administrators (BMR), credit rating agencies (CRAR), and numerous other regulatory regimes.

Having rendered legal advice in German to a multitude of SMEs from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland and having been seconded to a law firm specializing in banking and finance law in Hamburg during February 2019, Niklāvs possesses a working knowledge of German.


Riga Graduate School of Law

LL.M. in International and European Law, degree with merit


Riga Graduate School of Law

LL.B. in Law and Diplomacy


Aircraft Finance and Aircraft Liens
Sweet & Maxwell & Thomson Reuters
October 2024

The chapter on Aircraft Finance focuses on laws relating to aircraft registration, security, and enforcement, whereas the Aircraft Liens chapter covers the rights of third parties to seize and detain aircraft. Reflecting the global reach of the aviation industry, the work provides country-by-country guidance currently covering over 150 jurisdictions.
The Latvia chapters have been prepared by Ellex experts Marta Cera, Beata Plocina and Niklavs Zieds.


CMS Expert Guide to private placement of funds rules and law
CMS, 14.02.2023.

Accessing European Investors post AIFMD. Latvia chapter prepared by associate partner Valters Diure and associate Niklāvs Zieds.


CMS Guide to Passporting – Rules on Marketing Alternative Investment Funds
CMS, 14.02.2023.

Rules on Marketing Alternative Investment Funds in Europe. Latvia chapter prepared by associate partner Valters Diure and associate Niklāvs Zieds.


CMS Guide to UCITS Passporting
CMS, 14.02.2023.

Rules on Marketing Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities in Europe. Latvia chapter prepared by associate partner Valters Diure and associate Niklāvs Zieds.


Country update - Latvia: AML
Thomson Reuters, 21.06.2022.

An overview on Anti-money laundering (AML) legal framework in Latvia prepared by associate partner Valters Diure and associate Niklāvs Zieds.
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