Ellex solidifies legal leadership by Chambers Global Guide 2024
The trusted international legal directory Chambers & Partners has announced the rankings of its latest Global guide, which evaluates leading law firms and lawyers across the globe.
The rankings are announced in two practice areas researched in the Baltics: Corporate/Commercial and Dispute Resolution. The firm’s projects and achievements were rated in the period from May 2022 to May 2023.
Ellex in the Baltics (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania) has received the highest (Band 1) ranking within Dispute Resolution. Ellex has received the highest Band 1 ranking in Estonia and Latvia within Corporate/Commercial.
The Chambers Global Guide is renowned for its meticulous research and analysis, making Band 1 ranking significant. This recognition is a testament to our unparalleled expertise, professionalism, and dedication to providing top-tier legal solutions in the Baltic region.
As Ellex continues to set benchmarks for legal excellence, this recognition reinforces our position as a TOP law firm in the Baltic region. Our law firm remains committed to providing innovative solutions and unparalleled service to meet the evolving needs of our clients.
Chambers and Partners is the leading independent professional legal research company across 200 jurisdictions. It delivers detailed rankings and insight into leading lawyers and law firms.

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