Līga Mence



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+371 67814848

Liga Mence has more than 10 years of experience in advising clients in various corporate matters. She has an in-depth knowledge in competition and intellectual property law. After becoming a member of the Latvian Bar Association she has also represented clients in complicated civil and administrative litigation proceedings involving shareholder disputes, recognition and enforcement of foreign court judgments, appeal of decisions of the Financial Capital Market Commission, which included a reference to the European Court of Justice for a preliminary ruling, as well as in criminal proceedings in connection with refuting of allegations of property being acquired through crime, i.e., proving legality of the assets belonging to a client.


Undergone a vocational training programme for improvement of professional qualification in protection of children’s rights (06.08.2021, 40h in total)


LL.M. in International and European

University of Amsterdam


Professional law degree (dipl.iur.)

University of Latvia, Faculty of Law

Latvian Bar Association



Vai tās ir Divpusējo ieguldījumu līgumu beigas Eiropas Savienībā

Līdzautore “Vai tās ir Divpusējo ieguldījumu līgumu beigas Eiropas Savienībā”, publicēts “Jurista vārds”, 2018. gada 27. marts, Nr.13 (1019)