Favor AS and three Finnish companies merge to form Leden Group Oy
The Estonian metal industry Favor AS and the Finnish companies LaserComp Oy, its subsidiary Celermec Oy and Ojala Group merge to form Leden Group Oy, an industrial company for sheet metal products. The new group has nearly 500 employees and a total turnover of over 70 million euros.
Leden Group OY offers services in all parts of workmanship and supports customers in product development, product information management and logistics. The new company has three factories in Finland and two in Estonia.
“Forming Leden Group Oy gives us the opportunity to take our business to a new level and invest more in the skills of our employees, in robotics and internationalization. We will be able to offer our customers even wider range of services, ” said Almar Proos, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of Leden Group and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Favor.
Favor AS was advised by Ellex team in Estonia which included Partners Risto Vahimets and Martin Mäesalu and Associate Georg Kuusik.

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