Energy Unlimited Sells a Solar Park Project to Elektrum Lietuva
Energy Unlimited sold a 60 MW solar park project in the seaside Klaipeda district to Elektrum Lietuva. The seller was represented by Ellex Valiunas.
The planned solar parks in the Klaipėda district, specifically in the Dovilai ward, will generate a minimum of 65,000 megawatt-hours (MWh) of electricity per year and are scheduled to begin operating in the summer of 2024. All seven solar parks will be constructed as remote prosumer solar parks. The combined capacity of the 60 MW parks will be sufficient to meet the electricity consumption needs of approximately 24,000 medium-sized households over the next 25 years.
These and other solar parks developed and located in the seaside region, which receives more sunlight than other parts of the country, produce up to 10% more electricity per year than solar parks situated elsewhere in Lithuania.
Energy Unlimited focuses on the development of early-stage renewable energy projects in the Baltics and, having implemented the initial 60 MW solar park project, is currently developing new renewable energy projects.
The client was represented by members of the firm‘s Energy, M&A, Real Estate, and Environmental practice teams: partners Dovilė Greblikienė and Rūta Armonė, associate partners Aleksandr Asovskij, Gabrielė Vazniokaitė, and Edvinas Beikauskas, as well as senior associate Giedrius Svidras.

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