Refinitiv and Bloomberg H1 2023: Ellex is the top M&A legal adviser
International deal watchers Refinitiv and Bloomberg have published their M&A legal advisory results for the first half of 2023.
According to the Refinitiv results, Ellex leads the Eastern European M&A market by deal count in the mid-market segment by having advised on 22 deals with a total value of USD 132 million.
The league tables include all M&A deals that were announced between January 1, 2023 and June 30, 2023 and of which Refinitiv was made aware. League tables include: rank eligible mergers, acquisitions, repurchases, spin-offs, self-tenders, minority stake purchases and debt restructurings.
According to the latest Bloomberg global M&A market review legal rankings, Ellex holds the leading position in the Baltics by having advised on the highest deal value amount of USD 166 mln.
Bloomberg’s Global M&A Market Review rankings indicate the most active M&A legal market players and are based on announced transactions from January 1, 2023, to June 30, 2023.
More information:
Refinitiv Global Mid-Market M&A Review H1 2023
Bloomberg Global M&A Legal League Tables H1 2023
Refinitiv rankings (formerly the Financial and Risk business of Thomson Reuters) are a confirmation of the impeccable service provided by Ellex to its clients, which is based on our longstanding reputation and experience in the legal area.
Bloomberg is an international leading business and financial news agency. Bloomberg M&A delivers real-time coverage of the M&A market from around the world and provides a global perspective and local insight into unique deal structures in various markets through a network of over 800 financial and legal advisory firms, ensuring an accurate reflection of key market trends.

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