Refinitiv: Ellex leads M&A market in Eastern Europe by deal count
Refinitiv has announced its rankings for the entire year of 2020. Ellex has been ranked in two market segments: small-cap and mid-market. According to both reports, Ellex leads M&A market in Eastern Europe by deal count (61 deals counted for Ellex).
The credited deal value for Ellex in small-cap and mid-market segments of the Eastern European region is US$ 120.8 million.
Announced league tables of Refinitiv include all announced deals between January 1 and December 31 of 2020. League tables include rank eligible mergers, acquisitions, repurchases, spin-offs, self-tenders, minority stake purchases and debt restructurings.
The overall results show that small-cap M&A during the fourth quarter of 2020 increased by 13% compared to the third quarter of this year and set an all-time quarterly record, by deal value and number. Furthermore, global mid-market M&A deals valued up to US$ 500 million (including undisclosed value deals), which is the strongest full-year period in two years.
Technology leads all small-cap sectors by deal value and number of deals. The industrials and healthcare sectors comprised the two next largest sectors. In addition, according to the Mid-Market Mergers & Acquisitions Review, such industries as technology and real estate are mid-market leaders. However, the advancing sectors of 2020 are healthcare and telecoms.
Refinitiv rankings (formerly the Financial and Risk business of Thomson Reuters) are a recognition of the outstanding service provided by Ellex to its clients, which is based on our reputation and experience in the field built up over decades.

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