Sven Papp participated in Making Sense conference organised by Estonian Marketing Association
Ellex Partner Sven Papp took part in a dynamic panel discussion focusing on the bottlenecks of advertising regulation at the Making Sense conference, hosted by the Estonian Marketing Association (TULI).
“When discussing excessive regulation, it’s unsettling to consider a scenario where societal norms are upheld only because laws prohibit violence and harm towards others. I’m more in favour of self-regulation, it’s a sign of a mature society,” said Sven Papp, partner and attorney-at-law at Ellex law firm in Estonia. “Self-regulation frequently proves to be a swifter and more adaptable approach, contrasting with state regulation, which often entails extensive time frames to materialize. Furthermore, when state regulation does manifest, it tends to be characterized by rigidity and limited flexibility.”
The panel discussion was titled “Do commands and prohibitions help to change people’s consumption or behaviour patterns?”. The panellists included Joel Volkov, the creative director of the creative agency Tank and member of the board of TULI, Dr. Margus Lõokene, psychiatrist at the Toompark Mental Health Centre, Sven Papp, partner at Ellex in Estonia, and Merike Koppel, business environment manager of the Ministry of Economy and Communications. The discussion was moderated by Janek Mäggi, head of Powerhouse’s communications office.
During the conference, representatives from diverse organizations and companies in Estonia and globally provided insights into the unique challenges faced within their respective industries in their native countries. Additionally, discussions revolved around the feasibility and potential regulatory frameworks for approaching marketing practices in specific domains.

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