The Financial Times: Ellex’s bold and entrepreneurial projects win a reputation for specialist skills
The Financial Times, the world’s leading global business publication, mentions Ellex and Ants Nõmper, managing partner of Ellex in Estonia, in their recently published article “Eight smaller law firms that outpace larger rivals in Europe”.
Ellex lawyers are brought out as digital movers, highlighting digital thinking in their practice – from using technology to simplify case management to reaching clients via social media for a class action case.
Financial Times highlights Ellex’s comprehensive response to challenges that have arisen from the pandemic. Related projects, such as advising the Estonian government on policies to promote vaccination uptake and helping to compile guidelines on the distribution of medical resources, were led by Ants Nõmper, managing partner of Ellex in Estonia.
Furthermore, the publication mentions Ellex’s invaluable digital expertise – our lawyers drafted the terms of service for an occupational health provider’s app, assisted a medical centre to set up a digital clinic to host remote appointments, and helped health tech start-up Certific to launch an application process for digital national immunity passports.
Read the full article here.

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