Ellex arbitration team ranked among the world’s best in GAR 100 of the Global Arbitration Review
Ellex has been included in the prestigious GAR 100 ranking of the Global Arbitration Review, which annually selects law firms with the best arbitration teams in the world.
The London-based review shortlists arbitration teams with an outstanding track record and reputation for excellence in the field based on data on their most significant cases, achievements, and contributions.
Ellex’s disputes and arbitration team is one of the largest and most experienced in the Baltic States, regularly involved in the region’s most complex commercial and investment arbitration cases.
In addition to representing parties in international arbitration, our team members arbitrate under the rules of various arbitral institutions, such as the SCC, ICC, VIAC, and VCCA. They actively participate in the activities of various international arbitration organisations and engage in related academic activities.
Ellex, in Lithuania’s arbitration team, has outstanding experience in investment arbitration. Our team represented Lithuania in 6 out of 8 investment arbitration cases in Lithuania’s entire history. All the cases were concluded either with the client’s (our country’s) victory or at the pre-arbitration stage, where the proceedings were successfully concluded before the arbitration proceedings were initiated.
The internationally renowned Baltic Ellex arbitration team comprises 25 professionals with the highest expertise and client trust.
The GAR 100 17th edition is available here.

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