Mārtiņš Gailis


Head of Intellectual Property practice


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+371 678 14848 martins.gailis@ellex.legal

Mārtiņš Gailis is the Head of Intellectual Property practice at Ellex in Latvia, with experience working on IP and competition law matters. As the Head of IP practice, Mārtiņš is the lead litigator and case handler in cases involving IP disputes and has represented both international and local clients before civil and administrative courts in Latvia, as well as in the Appeal Board of the Industrial Property Office and at the EUIPO. Mārtiņš is a registered patent attorney in trademark matters in Latvia and the EU.

In addition to IP expertise, Mārtiņš is an experienced professional in competition matters and has been involved in many significant competition cases handled by the firm in the areas of antitrust, merger control and private damages litigation.

A brilliant lawyer with a professional and gentlemanly demeanour, Gailis consistently stays up to date on all legal developments and always serves clients’ best commercial interests.

Mārtiņš Gailis is a very well-respected and known lawyer in this area.

I rate his professionalism, service level and client approach very highly.

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Riga Graduate School of Law

Master of Laws (LL.M.), degree with distinction


University of Essex

Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.)


Copenhagen Business School

Exchange studies

Latvian Bar Association


International Bar Association (IBA)


Since 2012

European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)

Trade Mark Attorney

Since 2010

Trademark Matters in the Republic of Latvia

Trade Mark Attorney


COVID-19 Global Competition Measures
Lex Mundi, April 2020

This Lex Mundi’s report entitled “COVID-19 Global Competition Measures” covers responses from over 70 jurisdictions and demonstrates the breadth and indigenous knowledge of the Lex Mundi competition legal solution.

Ellex in Latvia is the exclusive member of Lex Mundi in Latvia, therefore, our competition law experts Liga Merwin and Mārtiņš Gailis have prepared the Latvia chapter of the guide.


International Agency and Distribution Handbook EMEA
Baker & McKenzie LLP, April 2018

This is the 6th edition of the Agency and Distribution Handbook covering 39 countries in the EMEA region.

Ellex experts in Latvia Liga Merwin, Mārtiņš Gailis and Pauls Ančs are the authors of the Latvia chapters of the guide.


Competition Law Western Europe and the USA

Kluwer Law International, April 2015

Expert Mārtiņš Gailis is the co-author of the Latvia chapter of the publication.


International Agency and Distribution Handbook for EMEA

Baker & McKenzie LLP

Expert Mārtiņš Gailis is the co-author of the Latvia chapter of the publication.
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