BaltCap to acquire Alma Littera Group
BaltCap Private Equity Fund III (BPEF III) signed an agreement to acquire Alma Littera publishing house, Pegasas bookstores and related group companies. BPEF III is represented by Ellex in Lithuania lawyers.
BPEF III belongs to international private equity fund manager BaltCap. This acquisition will help further grow the largest publishing house & omnichannel book retailer in the Baltics. The transaction amount is not disclosed.
The transaction will enter into force if the permission of the Competition Council is received, which the parties expect to receive within 1-2 months.
The client is represented by the Ellex in Lithuania M&A, Intellectual Property, Competition, Labor law and Data Protection practices: partner Dr. Robertas Čiočys, associate partner Dr. Ąžuolas Čekanavičius, senior associates Marijus Dingilevskis and Nerijus Patlabys, associates Jomilė Žabolė, Linas Petronaitis and Kotryna Seliutaitė and junior associates Skaistė Katinaitė and Mykolas Tamulionis.
Founded in 1990 in Lithuania, Alma Littera Group is the largest integrated general book publisher and retailer based in Lithuania, operating via publishing house Alma littera, wholesaler Alma littera sprendimai, book retailer ALG knygynai, 3PL logistics provider ALG logistika and book e-commerce website Knygų klubas.
BaltCap, which acquires Alma Littera Group, is the largest manager of private and venture capital funds in the Baltic countries, having invested in more than 100 companies in Europe and attracting over 700 million. EUR capital.

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