Tallink Grupp announces a public offering of the new shares in Estonia and Finland
AS Tallink Grupp announced a public offering of the new shares of the company in Estonia and Finland.
Shares can be subscribed for by all nearly 30,000 Tallink investors as well as other investment enthusiasts until September 1.
As part of the public offering, the company will offer a total of 66,988,204 ordinary shares with no nominal value, with an issue price of 0.47 euros per share, which corresponds to the book value of the share, i.e. the shares will be issued without share premium.
With the public offering, Tallink plans to increase the share capital of the group by up to 31.5 million euros. The current shareholders of the company have the pre-emptive right to subscribe for new shares.
“Tallink Group’s position is stable considering the circumstances, but we continue to work to further ensure sustainability. The public offering of shares has started as the next and important step to improve the capital structure of our company and increase the liquidity buffer,” commented Paavo Nõgene, Chairman of the Group’s Management Board.
The results of the public offering of shares will be published no later than September 3, and the first trading day of the new securities on the Tallinn Stock Exchange is September 17 and on the Helsinki Stock Exchange September 21.
Tallink Group’s legal advisers were Ellex partner Gerli Kivisoo and Senior Associate Alla Kuznetsova.

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