Unicorn Appsflyer acquired a DevtoDev start-up
Appsflyer, a leading SaaS mobile marketing analytics and attribution platform, successfully finalized the acquisition of DevtoDev, a prominent gaming and apps data analytics start-up.
This acquisition will open new possibilities for growth and innovation for Appsflyer’s range of services worldwide. Ellex Valiunas‘s team advised Appsflyer on all legal matters due to specific requirements related to the complex sector of the client.
Ellex team consisted of Partner Rūta Armonė, Associate Partner Dr. Ąžuolas Čekanavičius, Senior Associates Marijus Dingilevskis, Augustinas Mačionis, Nerijus Patlabys, and Associates Aušra Abraitytė – Gedminė and Vilius Norvaišas

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