Ellex experts contributed to the World Justice Project Rule of Law Index 2021
Ellex experts Hanna Pahk, Martin Triipan, Daiga Zivtiņa, Irina Kostina and Rimantas Stanevičius contributed to the compilation of the World Justice Project Rule of Law Index 2021.
The World Justice Project Rule of Law Index is the world’s leading source for original, independent data on the rule of law. Covering 139 countries and jurisdictions, the Index relies on national surveys of more than 138,000 households and 4,200 legal practitioners and experts to measure how the rule of law is experienced and perceived worldwide.
The Rule of Law Index ranks and scores each country on the following eight factors: constraints on government powers, absence of corruption, open government, fundamental rights, order and security, regulatory enforcement, civil justice, and criminal justice. The Index’s methodology, which was developed with intensive multidisciplinary and multinational consultations and vetting, permits identification of particular strengths and weaknesses across various government structures and functions.
The 2021 Index is the first in this annual series to be issued since the declaration of the pandemic, and the findings show the hit certain dimensions of the rule of law took during the health crisis. Most notably, 94 percent of countries experienced a decline in the timeliness of administrative, civil, or criminal justice. This trend was most prevalent with respect to civil justice, which had in previous years been an area of modest improvement globally.
The World Justice Project (WJP) is an international civil society organization with the stated mission of working to advance the rule of law around the world.