Kaspars Oļševskis

Senior Associate


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+371 678 03388

Kaspars Oļševskis is a senior associate specializing in commercial, corporate and M&A practice. He has extensive experience in various corporate and commercial law issues, including advising local and foreign clients on everyday matters, incorporation, reorganization, liquidation, reporting beneficial owners in cases of complicated ownership structures, participating in numerous legal due diligence projects of various business areas, providing assistance in preparing companies for acquisition transaction, as well as providing support in various international deals. Kaspars actively engages with corporate and commercial law supervisory authorities to get a better understanding of their practices, to be informed about the latest changes in their activities, and to make the corporate and commercial environment more convenient for clients.

In addition, he has specialized in specific industries and European Union law, and has a growing interest in financial law.


University of Latvia

Master of Laws (LL.M.)


University of Latvia

Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.)


University of Latvia

Bachelor's degree in Political Science


Ar ko rēķināties, piešķirot dažādu kategoriju daļas?
iBizness, 07.05.2024.
Ņemot vērā, ka sabiedrības ar ierobežotu atbildību (SIA) tiesības piešķirt saviem dalībniekiem dažādu kategoriju kapitāldaļas (daļas) joprojām rada daudz dažādu neskaidrību, turpinām atbildēt uz neskaidriem jautājumiem.


International Advertising Law: A Practical Global Guide, Second Edition
Globe Law and Business, April 2021

Co-author for the Latvia chapter together with Associate partner Sarmis Spilbergs, Senior associate Edvijs Zandars, Associates Mikijs Zimecs and Pauls Ancs and Junior associate Anna Marta Nordmane.


Private Antitrust Litigation in Latvia: Overview
Thomson Reuters Practical Law Private Antitrust Litigation Global Guide

Ellex experts in Latvia Liga Merwin, Edvijs Zandars and Kaspars Oļševskis have prepared an overview on Private Antitrust Litigation in Latvia. This Q&A is part of the global guide to private antitrust litigation.
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