European Competition and Regulatory Law Review: implementation of the ECN+ directive in Estonia and Latvia
In the latest issue of Competition and Regulatory Law Review (CoRe), Ellex experts Martin Mäesalu, Liga Merwin and Kevin Gerretz analyse the implementation of the ECN+ directive in Estonia and Latvia.
The CoRe issue 3 is available here.
Martin Mäesalu, partner at Ellex in Estonia shares his opinion about the journal: “CoRe journal seems to constantly hit a sweet-spot between blog post type of content, which for practitioners would often serve more as infotainment and lengthy academic writing from where practical relevance can at times be difficult to find”.
The European Competition and Regulatory Law Review reports on key legislative developments in the EU and its Member States and analyses important judgments that shape the field of EU competition and regulatory law, in particular those by the European Courts, international courts and tribunals, and higher national courts.
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Ellex has the largest and most experienced antitrust/competition/state aid team in the Baltics. Our law experts provide both conventional and innovative legal solutions on a full range of competition, state aid and EU law issues in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, and on EU level. View our experts and relevant projects related to this field here.

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