Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is applied to all personal data that you provide to us or that we collect and process when you use the website of the Ellex Circle Law Firms. Ellex Circle Law Firms mean law firm Ellex Raidla in Estonia (office address: Ahtri 4, 10117 Tallinn, Estonia), law firm Ellex Klavins in Latvia (office address: K.Valdemara 62, 1013 Riga, Latvia) and law firm Ellex Valiunas in Lithuania (office address: Jogailos 9, LT-01116 Vilnius, Lithuania).

Your data that we collect in our website are processed by Ellex Circle Law Firm acting as a Controller in their respective country. “We” or “us” in this Privacy Policy refers to the respective Ellex Circle Law firm with whom you have contacted through the use of the website or who has accessed your personal data as a result of your use of the website or other respective services.

We respect your privacy and protect your personal data that you provide to us via this website. This Privacy Policy explains why we collect your personal data and how we use them.


We use and process your personal data (email address) for the direct marketing purpose on the basis of your consent that you express by entering your personal data in the section “Subscribe to our newsletter” of our website. We may also process for the direct marketing purpose email addresses of our clients, their representatives and employees on the basis of our legitimate interest, unless the client objects to such marketing messages in the engagement letter or expresses its objection by contacting us. Should you decide not to provide your personal data, we will not be able to inform you about current news.

We store and process your personal data for direct marketing purposes in accordance with local laws and practices or until you have unsubscribed or withdrawn your consent.


We process personal data (name, surname, email address, phone number, CV and motivational letter) of candidates who sent their CV directly to us by email or through jobs portals or by using the application form available in the section “Career” of our website for the personnel selection purpose. When candidates provide their data to us, the provision of data is based on candidate’ freely given consent. Further processing of personal data for personnel selection purpose is based on our legitimate interests in processing candidate’s application, evaluating the information provided therein, organizing negotiation procedure, conducting negotiations and retaining evidence that substantiates the lawfulness of recruitment process. Should you fail to provide your personal data, we will not be able to call you for an interview and evaluate your candidacy for a job position.

While performing selection to job positions, we process only such personal data of candidates that are related to qualification, professional competences and characteristics. We do not collect or process special categories of personal data of candidates, unless required by law.

We store personal data of the candidates as long as the selection to the specific position is taking place and up to 6 months after that. Upon expiration of the period of the selection to the specific position, we delete the CV and other data sent by the candidates, unless we have obtained the candidate’s consent for processing his or her personal data longer in order to enable us to offer a job position. In such case we store the candidate’s personal data for 1 year.

Contact form

We use and process your personal data (name, surname, email address and the content of your inquiry) you entered in the section “Contact form” of our website for the purpose of giving answers to your enquiries on the basis of our legitimate interests, in particular, related to carrying out professional activity and ensuring control over information security and confidentiality requirements. Should you fail to provide your personal data, we will not be able to answer your enquiry.

Your personal data for the purpose of preparation of answers to enquiries are stored not longer than for 1 year.

Legal directories

For the purpose of assessing the quality of legal services we may process your preference to be contacted and your personal data which was collected while providing legal services, i.e. title, first name, surname, position; the name and industry sector of the represented company; address, e-mail address, telephone number; the fact whether the represented company is a client of the Law Firm; the practice area in which legal services were provided; connection with previous and other projects.

This personal data will be processed for the term of 3 years and on the basis of your consent.

Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing

We are obliged to abide by the applicable rules on anti-money laundering (AML) and terrorism financing and know your customer (KYC) compliance. We must inform respective authorities of certain transactions performed in cash or that could involve money laundering. We will collect information related to client’s or client’s representatives identity for the purposes of AML compliance and KYC checks (identification information, information about the company, bank account and payments details, political affiliation data, source of funds / income, information on beneficial owners and other information that must be collected for these purposes) based on legal obligation to collect and process this data.

This personal data will be processed for up to 10 years after provision of our services in accordance with applicable law.

What type of cookies do we collect?

  • Necessary cookies. These cookies are necessary for the user to browse the website and use it and its functions.
  • Statistic / performance cookies. These cookies are used by the Law Firm to collect information about how visitors use our website. These statistics give us information about how often our website is visited, which pages of our website visitors spend the most time on, and how often they use the page or part of it. This allows us to make the structure, navigation and content of our website as user-friendly as possible. The Law Firm can monitor you for any errors and determine which parts of the website need to be adjusted.

For analytics purposes we are using Google Analytic services and its provided cookies. Please note that, although we only have access to aggregated data (we do not use cookies to identify specific person), the service provider of respective cookies may have access to your personal data. For more information about how Google processes your personal data, please visit: Please note that this is hyperlink to third party website for which we have no control and we are not liable for its content. By accepting third party cookies you are also consenting to the privacy policies of respective service providers.

Cookies used on the website



Retention period

Necessary cookies


This is cookie that is used to close the default cookie message displayed on the website (more precisely when accepting the message) and the value of this cookie is “accepted” when the button is pressed.

6 months

Statistic / performance cookies


This is a Google Analytics cookie designed to collect information about website visits.

1 day


This is a Google Analytics cookie designed to differentiate users of the website. The cookie is kept active for 24 hours.

1 day


This is a Google Analytics cookie designed to differentiate users of a website. The cookie is kept active for 2 years.

2 years

Data transfer

We may transfer your personal data for processing to third persons who help us to administer our website and protect its data. Such persons include suppliers of data base software, providers of data base administration services, providers of direct marketing services, providers of cloud services, etc. We may also share your personal data for conflict of interest checks and other purposes with Ellex Circle Law Firms. Your personal data can be disclosed to third parties only when required under the applicable law, for example to the government or law enforcement institutions, e.g., police or supervisory institutions, or in order to ensure our rights or safety of our clients, employees and resources. In case you agree to provide your feedback on the quality of services, your personal data may be transferred to legal directories such as the Legal 500, Chambers Global, Chambers Europe, IFLR1000, and client feedback companies such as TNS Sifo Prospera and others.

Data protection

We process data in accordance with the safety and processing requirements established in the European Union Regulation 2016/679 (the General Data Protection Regulation) and the applicable data protection laws in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

We take due technical and organisational measures in order to ensure the security of personal data processing against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed.

Your rights

You have the following rights related to your personal data:

  • right to request from us access to, and rectification or erasure of, personal data, or restriction of processing;
  • right to object to processing of data;
  • right to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format and the right to transmit those data to another controller without hindrance (right to data portability);
  • right to withdraw consent;
  • right to lodge a complaint with the data protection authority in Estonia Estonian Data Protection Inspectorate (Tatari 39, 10134 Tallinn; e-mail ); in Latvia Data State Inspectorate (Elijas iela 17, Riga, e-mail: ); in Lithuania Lithuanian Data Protection Inspectorate (L. Sapiegos g. 17, Vilnius, Lithuania; e-mail ).

If you want to exercise these rights or have any questions with regard to our processing of your personal data, please contact us at in Estonia, in Latvia or in Lithuania.