Ellex Advises Hollister Incorporated on Strategic Expansion in Lithuania
Hollister Incorporated shared news about their latest expansion in Lithuania, marking a milestone in their growth in the Lithuanian market.
Hollister, a global healthcare company renowned for its innovative products and services, has chosen to broaden its operational services by launching a new shared services centre in the Kaunas Free Economic Zone. The new centre will provide finance and accounting services for various Western and Central European companies. This is the company’s ongoing commitment to Lithuania, highlighting their confidence in the country’s business-friendly climate and extensive talent pool.
Hollister entered the Lithuanian market in 2017, investing approximately EUR 50 million in the newest manufacturing plant in the Kaunas FEZ territory. The plant produces ostomy care and continence care products.
Law firm “Ellex Valiunas” with a dedicated team led by Partner Rūta Armonė, Associate Aušra Abraitytė-Gedminė, and Junior Associate Rūta Tamulionytė, are advising the client in navigating the legal questions and ensuring a smooth and successful outcome.

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