Public offering of subordinated bonds of AS Inbank
Ellex Partner Gerli Kivisoo and Senior Associate Helen Ratso advised AS Inbank on the public offering of its subordinated bonds.
Inbank offers publicly 12,000 subordinated bonds with the maturity date 15 December 2031 and fixed interest rate of 5.5% per annum payable quarterly. The subordinated bonds are offered at a price of EUR 1,000 per one bond.
The subscription period for the bonds starts on 30 November 2021 at 10:00 and will end on 9 December 2021 at 16:00. The offering will be targeted to all retail and institutional investors in Estonia.
Inbank intends to submit an application to Nasdaq Tallinn AS for the listing and admission to trading of the subordinated bonds on the Baltic Bond List of the Nasdaq Tallinn Stock Exchange. The expected date of listing and admission to trading is on or about 16 December 2021.
In case of oversubscription of the bonds, Inbank has the right to increase the volume of the Offering by up to 6,000 additional bonds, as a result of which the total number of the bonds offered in the course of the public offering may be up to 18,000.
Inbank is a consumer finance focused digital bank active in the Baltics, Poland and Czechia with additional deposits accepted in Germany, Austria, the Netherlands and Finland.

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