Crisis prevention & management

In today’s environment, crises require a swift and sure-footed response, considering the interests of all stakeholders involved. To assist our clients facing the predicted economic slowdown, we offer comprehensive legal advice related to the prevention and management of business crises. Our services include optimisation and renegotiation of business contracts, review and restructuring of financial liabilities, State aid options, investment protection mechanisms, prevention of unfair competition, advice on liquidity risks, business restructuring, tax issues, etc.

Irrational crisis management can be resource intensive and divert management time from strategic business objectives. Thus, while management of a crisis once it has occurred is of acute concern to all businesses and their management teams, it is far more effective to prepare for challenges in advance to avoid them altogether or to mitigate their inevitable consequences.

Our experts have extensive experience in advising clients on strategic public and private projects and in the face of business challenges for more than 30 years. This accrued experience allows us to provide clients with a tailormade approach in all areas of commercial law and to determine the most rational solution for every specific case.

We also provide 24/7 support in managing unpredictable crises related to unannounced inspections by authorities, dawn raids, responses to cyberattacks, data breaches or corruption incidents, and issues related to operational and supply chain disruptions.

Experienced legal adviser helping businesses prepare for recession risks in advance and effectively manage crises when they do occur.

Ellex market-leading experts periodically publish business-oriented insights on a range of topics related to recession risks, tips for managing crises and overcoming business challenges.

Contact us

Ants Nõmper

Ants Nõmper, Dr. iur.

Managing Partner



Liga Merwin

Managing Partner



Giedrė Aukštuolienė

Giedrė Aukštuolienė




Linked Experts

Person Item Background
Simona Budreikaitė
Associate Partner / Lithuania
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Rūta Jasilionė
Associate Partner / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Merlin Liis-Toomela
Merlin Liis-Toomela
Counsel / Estonia
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Martin Mäesalu
Martin Mäesalu
Partner / Estonia
Person Item Background
Arne Ots
Partner / Estonia