Beata Plociņa

Senior Associate


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+371 678 03385

Beata Plociņa is a senior associate specializing in banking & finance and corporate M&A, including financing transactions related to M&A. She has over 18 years of extensive experience in the field of insurance and more than 8 years of experience in aviation related transaction financing.

In the field of insurance, Beata advises clients on regulatory requirements in the insurance and financial sectors, representing them before financial market regulatory authorities and participating in major legal due diligence projects for acquisition transactions. Her expertise includes advising insurers, insurance intermediaries (and their clients), and prominent insurance providers across Europe and beyond. She has provided guidance on developing insurance products, compliance with local insurance market regulations, insurance distribution agreements, cross-border service provision in Latvia, and other insurance-related matters, including advising insurers on day-to-day operations.

In the field of aviation, Beata has advised on numerous aircraft financing transactions during her work at Ellex in Latvia. These transactions require a thorough understanding of specific local aviation regulatory requirements, an area where Beata’s expertise has been highly valuable.

Clients about Beata Plociņa:

Beata Plocina – proactive and very experienced finance lawyer.


University of Latvia

Master of Laws (LL.M.)


University of Latvia

Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.)


Aircraft Finance and Aircraft Liens
Sweet & Maxwell & Thomson Reuters
October 2024

The chapter on Aircraft Finance focuses on laws relating to aircraft registration, security, and enforcement, whereas the Aircraft Liens chapter covers the rights of third parties to seize and detain aircraft. Reflecting the global reach of the aviation industry, the work provides country-by-country guidance currently covering over 150 jurisdictions.
The Latvia chapters have been prepared by Ellex experts Marta Cera, Beata Plocina and Niklavs Zieds.


Aircraft liens online

Thomson Reuters, Sweet & Maxwell, 12.06.2023.

Ellex experts Valters Diure and Beata Plocina are co-authors of the Latvia chapter.
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