
Tax Advisory

Practical business tax advice to help clients navigate even the most complex of tax issues.

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Our team offers practical business tax advice to help clients navigate even the most complex of tax issues. We take a long-term approach and help you to incorporate tax efficiency into your business strategy so you can control costs and make savings. We help you minimize your tax exposure and risks presented by ever-evolving and increasingly complex legislation.

Drawing on our knowledge and understanding of the Baltics’ tax structures, we offer timely information and advice to help you succeed. Through legitimate planning, we consider the issues that may arise within specific types of tax, as well as the tax implications of new projects or changes to the business. We work with a range of companies and provide tax advice to develop bespoke tax-planning strategies suitable for specific and complex business structures.

Our solution-oriented approach is designed to help clients navigate and minimize complex tax challenges.

Contact us

dmitri rozenblat

Dmitri Rozenblat




Eduards Dzintars

Senior Counsel | Head of Tax practice



Gintaras Balčius

Gintaras Balčius




Experts in This Field

Person Item Background
Gintaras Balčius
Gintaras Balčius
Expert / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Antanas Butrimas
Antanas Butrimas
Associate Partner / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Madlena Drozdova
Senior Tax Consultant / Latvia
Person Item Background
Eduards Dzintars
Senior Counsel | Head of Tax practice / Latvia
Person Item Background
Svetlana Majerovitš
Svetlana Majerovitš
Lawyer / Estonia
Person Item Background
Laura Razulevičiūtė
Laura Navickė
Senior Associate / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Sven Papp
Partner / Estonia
Person Item Background
Ivars Pommers
Partner / Latvia
Person Item Background
dmitri rozenblat
Dmitri Rozenblat
Counsel / Estonia
Person Item Background
Rūta Švedarauskienė
Rūta Švedarauskienė
Expert / Lithuania