
Life Sciences

We help life sciences clients to decide how best to face the legal business challenges in the Baltics.

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We help life sciences clients decide how to best face the legal challenges in developing and commercializing products, delivering services, and capitalizing on scientific breakthroughs and business opportunities in the Baltics.

In addition to our lawyers’ seamless collaboration with our clients, we work closely with research institutes, leaders in scientific opinion, pharma and medical experts and management advisers to provide the well-rounded, commercially focused legal service you need.

From research and development to manufacturing, protection of intellectual property and patient consent, marketing and sales, and pricing and reimbursement, we provide the legal knowledge and support you need to keep projects moving. We do this while mitigating legal and practical risks to help you steer clear of costly delays and complications.

Contact us

Ants Nõmper

Ants Nõmper, Dr. iur.

Managing Partner



Liga Merwin

Managing Partner



Ruta Pumputiene

Rūta Karpičiūtė




Experts in This Field

Person Item Background
Pauls Ančs
Senior Associate / Latvia
Person Item Background
Ilga Gudrenika-Krebs
Partner / Latvia
Person Item Background
Dr. Jaunius Gumbis
Jaunius Gumbis, Dr.
Partner / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Ruta Pumputiene
Rūta Karpičiūtė
Partner / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Skaistė Katinaitė
Associate / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Kairi Kilgi
Senior Associate / Estonia
Person Item Background
Nerija Labanauskaite
Nerija Labanauskaitė
Lawyer's Assistant / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Merlin Liis-Toomela
Merlin Liis-Toomela
Counsel / Estonia
Person Item Background
Regina Getter Maajärv
Associate / Estonia
Person Item Background
Andra Mažrimaitė
Andra Mažrimaitė
Associate / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Liga Merwin
Managing Partner / Latvia
Person Item Background
Ants Nõmper
Ants Nõmper, Dr. iur.
Managing Partner / Estonia
Person Item Background
Miglė Petkevičienė
Partner / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Sarmis Spilbergs
Partner / Latvia
Person Item Background
Gintarė Taluntytė
Gintarė Taluntytė
Associate Partner / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Giedre Tubelyte
Giedrė Tubelytė
Expert / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Edvijs Zandars
Associate Partner / Latvia