
Technologies, Media and Telecommunications

Highly qualified and experienced professional team of lawyers and the most complete industry and legal specialisation.

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Our legal team gained TMT market leadership through a sustainable business management strategy. The key elements of our competitiveness in international markets while striving for the most innovative, the largest and most complex projects are our highly qualified and experienced professional team of lawyers and the most complete industry and legal specialisation.

Contact us

Ants Nõmper

Ants Nõmper, Dr. iur.

Managing Partner



Sarmis Spilbergs




Dr. Jaunius Gumbis

Jaunius Gumbis, Dr.




Experts in This Field

Person Item Background
Pauls Ančs
Senior Associate / Latvia
Person Item Background
Dr. Ąžuolas Čekanavičius
Ąžuolas Čekanavičius, Dr.
Partner / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Mārtiņš Gailis
Partner / Latvia
Person Item Background
Marats Golovkins, Dr.
Associate / Latvia
Person Item Background
Dr. Jaunius Gumbis
Jaunius Gumbis, Dr.
Partner / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Marko Kairjak, PhD.
Partner / Estonia
Person Item Background
Tomas Kamblevičius
Tomas Kamblevičius
Expert / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Ruta Pumputiene
Rūta Karpičiūtė
Partner / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Skaistė Katinaitė
Associate / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Kairi Kilgi
Senior Associate / Estonia
Person Item Background
Merlin Liis-Toomela
Merlin Liis-Toomela
Counsel / Estonia
Person Item Background
Andra Mažrimaitė
Andra Mažrimaitė
Associate / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Liga Merwin
Managing Partner / Latvia
Person Item Background
Karolina Misiuk
Junior associate / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Donatas Murauskas
Donatas Murauskas, Dr.
Expert / Lithuania
Person Item Background
mari must
Mari Must
Counsel / Estonia
Person Item Background
Karolina Nauronė
Karolina Nauronė
Senior Associate / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Vilius Norvaišas
Vilius Norvaišas
Senior Associate / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Ants Nõmper
Ants Nõmper, Dr. iur.
Managing Partner / Estonia
Person Item Background
Sven Papp
Partner / Estonia
Person Item Background
Miglė Petkevičienė
Partner / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Danielė Razgutė
Lawyer's Assistant / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Anna Marta Riekstiņa
Associate / Latvia
Person Item Background
Sarmis Spilbergs
Partner / Latvia
Person Item Background
Martynas Šeškus
Martynas Šeškus
Junior Associate / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Gintarė Taluntytė
Gintarė Taluntytė
Associate Partner / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Kristi Traagel
Associate / Estonia
Person Item Background
Giedre Tubelyte
Giedrė Tubelytė
Expert / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Guoda Vdovycytė
Guoda Vdovycytė
Associate / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Edvijs Zandars
Associate Partner / Latvia