Aktiva Finance Group acquires Intrum’s Baltic businesses

Ellex advised Aktiva Finance Group OÜ on the acquisition of the Baltic business of debt collection company Intrum.

Aktiva Finance Group, the leading player in Baltic debt collection and debt purchase market, acquires the servicing platforms and investment portfolios of Intrum Baltics for a cash consideration of EUR 30 million.

The transaction, which consider 100 per cent of the equity interest in Intrum Estonia AS, Intrum Latvia SIA and Intrum Lithuania UAB, is expected to close in Q3 for the Estonian and Latvian businesses and in Q4 for the Lithuanian business.

According to Ülar Maapalu, head of Aktiva Finance, they want to grow into the largest of its kind in the region. “More than 80% of the value of this transaction comes from Latvia and Lithuania. Intrum Estonia is smaller compared to its sister companies,” said Maapalu. “At the moment, there are about 5-6 debt collection companies of considerable size actively operating in Estonia, and smaller ones as well, but that’s about how big the market is,” he said.

Aktiva Finance Group OÜ was advised by Partner Ermo Kosk and Counsels Rutt Värk and Gerd Laub, Partner Martin Mäesalu, Senior Associate Hanna Pahk, Lawyers Liis Tava, Miikael Tuus and Annabell Carina Katalsepp in Estonia; Senior Partner Raimonds Slaidiņš, Senior Counsel Zane Bule-Mitka, Senior Associate Pauls Ančs and Associate Gabriela Fomina in Latvia; Partner Paulius Gruodis, Senior Associates Jomilė Žabolė, Edvinas Džulis and Nerijus Patlabys and Associates Andrej Jemeljanov and Vilius Norvaišas in Lithuania.

Linked Experts

Person Item Background
Pauls Ančs
Senior Associate / Latvia
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Edvinas Džulis
Senior Associate / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Paulius Gruodis
Paulius Gruodis
Partner / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Andrej Jemeljanov
Senior Associate / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Ermo Kosk
Ermo Kosk
Partner / Estonia
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Gerd Laub
Gerd Laub
Counsel / Estonia
Person Item Background
Martin Mäesalu
Martin Mäesalu
Partner / Estonia
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Vilius Norvaišas
Vilius Norvaišas
Senior Associate / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Hanna Pahk
Senior Associate / Estonia
Person Item Background
Nerijus Patlabys
Nerijus Patlabys
Senior Associate / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Raimonds Slaidiņš
Senior Partner / Latvia
Person Item Background
Miikael Tuus
Associate / Estonia
Person Item Background
Rutt Värk
Rutt Värk
Counsel / Estonia
Person Item Background
Jomilė Žabolė
Jomilė Žabolė
Senior Associate / Lithuania