
Competition and State Aid

Conventional and innovative legal solutions on a full range of competition, state aid and EU law issues in the Baltics.

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We have the largest and most experienced antitrust/competition/state aid team in the Baltics. Our law experts provide both conventional and innovative legal solutions for you on a full range of competition, state aid and EU law issues in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, and at an EU level.

  • Our firm has an exclusive portfolio of the most complex and high-profile cases in all areas of competition law, including antitrust, merger control and state aid.
  • Our professionals have an excellent understanding of various industries as well as extensive knowledge of economic and business processes.
  • Our track record of advising and representing clients in landmark competition matters includes regulators and contentious matters at various dispute resolution venues, both national and European.

Being a full-service law firm, we offer a full range of Brexit legal services, including legal solutions in banking and finance, taxes, customs, product compliance, transport, labor mobility, intellectual property, data protection, and dispute resolution.

Contact us

Martin Mäesalu

Martin Mäesalu




Liga Merwin

Managing Partner



Marius Juonys

Marius Juonys




Experts in This Field

Person Item Background
Paulina Ambrasaitė
Associate / Lithuania
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Pauls Ančs
Senior Associate / Latvia
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Titas Burneckas
Titas Burneckas
Lawyer's Assistant / Lithuania
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Lauras Butkevicius
Lauras Butkevičius, Dr.
Partner / Lithuania
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Edvinas Einoris
Edvinas Einoris
Senior Associate / Lithuania
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Mārtiņš Gailis
Partner / Latvia
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kevin gerretz
Kevin Gerretz
Senior Associate / Estonia
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Marius Juonys
Marius Juonys
Partner / Lithuania
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Karolis Kačerauskas, Dr.
Partner / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Šarūnas Keserauskas, Dr.
Šarūnas Keserauskas, Dr.
Partner / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Liga Merwin
Managing Partner / Latvia
Person Item Background
Martin Mäesalu
Martin Mäesalu
Partner / Estonia
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Kaspars Oļševskis
Senior Associate / Latvia
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Raino Paron
Raino Paron
Partner / Estonia
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Andrius Piepolis
Andrius Piepolis
Junior Associate / Lithuania
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Karoline Poska
Karoline Poska
Lawyer / Estonia
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Mykolas Tamulionis
Associate / Lithuania
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Miikael Tuus
Associate / Estonia
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Edvijs Zandars
Associate Partner / Latvia