
Competition and State Aid Disputes

Proven expertise and a track record in advising on landmark competition cases.

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We have proven expertise and a track record in advising on landmark competition cases both at the Competition Council and in courts, both national and European, including pioneering a number of legal issues. Our experts advise on the abuse of a dominant position and prohibited agreements, investigations of competition authorities, disputes over antitrust damages, prevention of antitrust violations and concentration permits.

Additionally, Ellex has unique experience in advising clients of private and public sectors on matters concerning the compliance with state intervention into the economy. Our team has a successful track record in dealing with public entities’ competition and state aid issues and renders assistance in all main compliance areas and related appeals.

Contact us

Arne Ots




Liga Merwin

Managing Partner



Marius Juonys

Marius Juonys




Experts in This Field

Person Item Background
Paulina Ambrasaitė
Associate / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Pauls Ančs
Senior Associate / Latvia
Person Item Background
Zane Veidemane – Bērziņa
Associate Partner / Latvia
Person Item Background
Lauras Butkevicius
Lauras Butkevičius, Dr.
Partner / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Nikola Dukule
Associate / Latvia
Person Item Background
Edvinas Einoris
Edvinas Einoris
Senior Associate / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Mārtiņš Gailis
Partner / Latvia
Person Item Background
kevin gerretz
Kevin Gerretz
Senior Associate / Estonia
Person Item Background
Marius Juonys
Marius Juonys
Partner / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Karolis Kačerauskas, Dr.
Partner / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Šarūnas Keserauskas, Dr.
Šarūnas Keserauskas, Dr.
Partner / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Patricija Mažeikaitė
Patricija Mažeikaitė
Junior Associate / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Liga Merwin
Managing Partner / Latvia
Person Item Background
Donatas Murauskas
Donatas Murauskas, Dr.
Expert / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Martin Mäesalu
Martin Mäesalu
Partner / Estonia
Person Item Background
Lorena Nomeikaitė
Lorena Nomeikaitė
Senior Associate / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Kaspars Oļševskis
Senior Associate / Latvia
Person Item Background
Arne Ots
Partner / Estonia
Person Item Background
Karoline Poska
Karoline Poska
Lawyer / Estonia
Person Item Background
Mykolas Tamulionis
Associate / Lithuania
Person Item Background
Edvijs Zandars
Associate Partner / Latvia