Dr. iur. Martin Käerdi is a partner and one of Estonia’s leading academics and practitioners handling issues related to civil and commercial law. As the Head of the Division of Private Law in the Ministry of Justice of Estonia, he was responsible for the drafting of a large number of the Estonian civil and commercial laws and implementing relevant EU legislation during the time that Estonia was preparing to join the EU. He is one of the principal authors of most of the core Estonian laws in the areas of civil and commercial law including the Commercial Code, Property Law, Law of Obligations Act (the Estonian Civil Code), and the Bankruptcy Act and Restructuring Act. Martin is also an Associate Professor of civil law at the University of Tartu.
Martin Käerdi assists clients with contract law as well as transactional matters. He is also widely recognised for his academic work. “He has knowledge coming from practice. His interpretations are very useful,” a client says. Interviewees praise his handling of the technical aspects of deals, describing him as an “extremely smart” lawyer.
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University of Freiburg, Germany
University of Tartu, Estonia
University of Tartu, Estonia
Estonian Bar Association
Ministry of Justice
Asjaõigusseadus I. Kommenteeritud väljaanne (Law of Property Act I. Commented edition)
Tsiviilõiguse üldosa (General Civil Law)
Tsiviilseadustiku üldosa seadus. kommenteeriud väljaanne (General Part of Civil Code Act. Commented edition)
Lauterkeitsrecht in Europa. Eine Sammlung von Länderberichten zum Recht gegen unlauteren Wettbewerb
Regulation of Limitation Periods in Estonian Private Law: Historical Overview and Prospects
Lepingud. Näidised ja kommentaarid. (Contracts. Forms and Commentaries - commentaries to the Law of Obligations Act)
Juridica Abstract, 7, 517-522
Võlaõigus I. Üldosa (Law of Obligations I. General Part)
Võlaõigusseadus III. Kommenteeritud väljaanne. (Law of Obligations Act III. Commented edition),
Estonia and the Process Towards New Civil Law: Inspiration, Models and Perspectives
Võlaõigusseadus II. Kommenteeritud väljaanne (Law of Obligations Act II. Commented edition)
Western Legal Concepts for Post-Socialist Societies: Legislative Experiences in Estonia
Võlaõigusseadus I. Kommenteeritud väljaanne (Law of Obligations Act I. Commented edition)
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